Leadership Can Be Anything, Anyone Says it is . . .
Until You Have to Go Do Something Difficult and Complex With It

LeadSimm simulations use realistic organizational issues as a driver for learning leadership practice and emotional intelligence. This is one of the reasons they are superior to other forms of developing leadership competencies. Complexity drives the need for collaboration. Dealing with difficult and complex issues in a simulated environment accelerates the development of true leadership capacity at the same time it reduces the organization’s exposure to emerging risks. Listed below are some of LeadSimm’s other superior benefits.

LeadSimms are cost effective solutions. Each simulation can accommodate from 20 to 50 people depending on the simulated decision making environment. LeadSimms become even more cost effective if you choose to train-your-trainers. Once the initial investment in the trainers is made the follow on scenario development and simulation facilitation costs become part of each trainers skill set and the relative costs are zero. For Train-the Trainer, we do offer the option of a continuing service contract so that your trainers have someone to call if there are any questions about the process but this is simply your choice.

Develops Emotional Intelligence Competencies
LeadSimms are built on the principles of perspective-taking and empathy building. Participants are given opportunities to practice and hone those competencies within the framework of the simulation. During the simulation people connect with other people on a human level something simply not as achievable in a computer simulation.

Ability to Demonstrate the Power of Diverse Perspectives
From the time the first LeadSimm was created and played, some 13 years ago, they have been consistently referred to as the best diversity learning tool available. In a LeadSimm, participants come to learn the power of diverse perspectives, skills and individual capability as they work together to solve the issues at hand.

Ease of Adaptability for Emerging Issues
One of the greatest benefits of LeadSimms is that they can be created, rewritten and modified as emerging organizational issues become known. This effort can take a few hours or no more than 2 days. The ability to respond quickly to change is a hallmark of the LeadSimm method.

Ability to Drive Culture Change
Change your stories, change your culture! Stories are the repository for culture and without them culture would cease to exist. LeadSimms are interactive story making experiences where participants rewrite their individual ideas for success. As they work through a realistic scenario collaboratively, participants come to accept leadership as a collaborative force for making change.

Flexibility to Simulate Any Level Inside and Outside of the Organization
LeadSimms have a zoom-in and zoom-out capability. This means that any decision making environment at any level both inside and outside of the organization can be simulated. LeadSimms are not held to only what computers are programmed to do or what is written on a DVD disk. If you can imagine it, chances are it can be simulated in short notice.

Active Experience in the Five Disciplines of a Learning Organization
LeadSimms are a powerful systems thinking experience where participants develop a shared vision in a team learning environment as they come to know, accept and perhaps change their own mental models developing a greater sense of personal mastery in the process.